Optimal Debris Deorbiting System (ODDS)

Concept for debris removal using multi-satellite system

Optimal Debris Deorbiting system is a satellite system concept to clear space debris in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) using Ion beams.
It was was our solution to the Singapore Space Challenge, 2020. Extensive research was done to come up with the concept, design and detailing of various parts of the satellite ensemble, including refuelling, propulsion, control etc. A 46-page final report, video and PowerPoint presentation, as well STK/MATLAB simulations showing the actual deorbiting plan were created as a part of the submission.

Our proposed solution consists of a satellite acting as a mothership, and two smaller satellites called deorbiters which will be responsible for targeting and removing space debris using the Ion Beam Shepherd Method.

Report: Optimal Debris Deorbiting System
Video Simulation: Video